How To Plan A Great Event For The Non-Drinkers - Non-alcoholic Drinks

 Holiday gatherings, wedding conferences, these are common events where alcohol is consumed. In these social events, there are one in four people who try to reduce their drinking. 30% of American adults don't consume alcohol. Nearly half of the world's adult population do not consume alcohol at all.

It is important to plan an event keeping in mind the non drinkers as well. There are alcohol free drinks, non alcoholic drinks, zero alcohol beer options for the non-drinkers. So, don’t get disappointed.

Whether you are planning a corporate event with no bars or need beverage options, we have got you covered with ideas for Alcohol free events.

Keep Non Drinkers In Mind When You Plan Your Event

The first part is to decide whether you want an event that is entirely alcohol free or not. Once you have settled for the parameters, keep the following things in mind.

It is perfectly fine to skip boozy drinks at an event. This is the personal preference of a client or can be due to budgetary constraints or religious reasons.

Respect all the constraints and restrictions.

If the event is fully dry, make sure not drinking guests know about their options.

You can also keep non alcoholic drinks like zero alcoholic beer. It is important to go for non alcoholic beer options if there are a lot of people who don't prefer alcohol.

Skip the games where guests are required to drink. This puts a pressure on the guests. You can keep non alcoholic drinks in bridal showers, birthday celebrations, weddings, retirement parties, no matter the occasion.

Respect your guests' choices. This is the first thing you should keep in your mind. There are many guests who decline the invitation because of alcohol parties. Make sure that you make all the non drinking guests feel comfortable. Make sure you help them stay longer in the event.

Let your guests know about alcohol not being available at your event ahead of time. Share the information via a notice or word-of-mouth. The event website can also be updated about the same. A message dictating that you won't be serving alcohol in the event and none is permitted is important. No additional explanation is required.

Stock The Bar With Options Like Top Quality Non Alcoholic Beer

Non alcoholic options are becoming quite popular as people are becoming health conscious. There are new brands and spirits produced. The beer sales continue to drop because of the non alcoholic beer options in the market. Plus, millenials are less interested in alcohol. It means there is an opportunity to use free products and events. Now you can keep yourself healthy with non alcoholic drinks.

You can also support the dry bar trend. Dry bar venues can be found everywhere in the city. They are trending. Find a venue and you can also create your own dry bar. You can also serve your guests tangy and sweet mocktails. Tempt your guests with hot chocolate in a variety of flavours like milk caramel and dark chocolate.

You can also buy a slush machine on rent to serve non alcoholic drinks to the guests. You can go for alcohol free drinks like butterbeer that you can see in Harry Potter. Create a beautiful lemonade bar. There are a lot of options. It's up to you which one you want to choose.


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