What Is The Best Cbd Vape Oil In The Uk?

With so many options out there we wanted to explain why we think our selection of vape cartridges are the best CBD vape oils in the UK. CBD has quickly become one of the fastest-growing wellness trends globally, particularly here in the UK. Last year saw a boom in the number of people buying CBD products and this is set to continue. What Makes Them So Popular? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a plant extract and one of the compounds found in the cannabis Sativa plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the other most well-known compound, CBD is not psychoactive (so it won't get you high) but is instead associated with delivering a raft of health benefits. Whilst, we as a brand cannot state all its direct benefits, research does suggest that it can help with relaxation (particularly important after the year we’ve had) - so have a quick google and see for yourself. Where does CBD oil come from? The CBD used in our CBD vape oil is extracted from the hemp plants grown in supe...